Internorm uPVC-Aluminium Windows
Our uPVC-aluminium windows are one of our most popular Internorm products. Many of our customers love the low maintenance aluminium cladding in our Internorm windows, combined with the wide range of colours and styles which these windows can be designed in. Innovative technology is built into our aluminium cladded windows, allowing you to create a smarter and more efficient property. Explore our range of Internorm uPVC-aluminium cladded windows below.

KF 310
KF 410
KF 520 NEW
KV 440
Features and benefits

uPVC-Aluminium Window Prices, Gloucestershire & the UK
Give us a call on 0800 612 6519 to receive expert advice and transparent quotes which are tailored to your project. Our simple to use online contact form is an easy way to submit questions or quote requests, even out of hours. Our team of product specialists are more than happy and available to talk you through our supply and design processes. Based in Gloucestershire, we offer a range of high quality products for homeowners across the UK.
Speak to an expert in person at one of our showrooms, which are based in England, Wales and Scotland. You can use our Find a Showroom tool to discover one close to you.
At ecoHaus, we can also provide you with an incredible collection of timber-aluminium windows and uPVC windows from Internorm.
Our Internorm uPVC aluminium windows are available with a range of customisation options and aesthetic choices to suit any style or taste. This includes a range of internal and external colours, as well as finishes. Discover our full range of options today.
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Case Studies
If you want to get an idea of the home improvement journey that you could be starting soon, then take a look at our case studies. Featured here on our website, our case studies will take you through the journey of some of our past customers that we have helped. You can go step by step to see the whole process from start to finish and become a little bit more familiar with the kind of service we offer here at ecoHaus.
View Our Case Studies
Being able to take a look in person at our product range is an important part of the service we offer here at ecoHaus. We make this possible by having our showrooms in select locations around the UK. You can book an appointment to come to our showrooms today, where you’ll be able to ask any questions you have to one of our expert team, who will be delighted to help you. Use our Showroom Finder tool to discover which location is best suited to you, whether that be our main manufacturing base in Swindon or elsewhere.
View Showrooms

Book an Appointment
Begin your ecoHaus journey...Book a showroom visit and face to face consultation with ecoHaus today. We can show you our range of stunning Internorm uPVC-aluminium windows and decide which of the systems would best suit your project. Whether you're a homeowner, architect or larger scale project manager, our in-house experts can help you.
We have our main showroom in Gloucestershire, but we have five other showrooms across other parts of England, Wales and Scotland.
If you have any urgent enquiries, contact us today via our online form.